Are you looking for fat dissolving injections Sheffield and surrounding areas, S.Yorks?
Are you looking to get rid of fat from your face neck and body for a smoother, more youthful appearance?
DesoBody and DesoFace are the next generation of injectable solutions for the dissolving of localised fat deposits around your body and face. As the names suggest DesoFace is for use on your face, neck and chin and DesoBody is for use on your body . DesoFace is very popular for treating under chin fat and double chins.

Fat Dissolving Treatment Sheffield South Yorkshire
Deso is different to older fat-dissolving injectables and safer too.
Deso is a newer development using cutting edge science in the form of sodium deoxycholate which breaks down fat cells in a way that has been proven to be more effective and safer than previous solutions.
It also requires far fewer injections than older fat-dissolving treatments. making it more comfortable for the patient.
No matter how well we take care of ourselves we so often find that there can still be pockets of fat that stubbornly refuse to go away.
DesoFace and DesoBody are the next generation of injectables for the dissolving of localised fat deposits around the face and body. As the names suggest DesoBody is for use on the body and DesoFace is for use on the face, chin and neck. DesoFace is very popular for treating double chins and under-chin fat.

Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Deso is a more recent development using cutting edge science in the form of sodium deoxycholate which breaks down fat cells in a way that has been proven to be safer and more effective than previous solutions.
It also requires fewer injections making it more comfortable than older fat-dissolving treatments.
With DesoFace we can treat:
- Under-chin fat
- Jowls
With Desobody we can treat:
- Inner thighs
- Back fat
- Saddle bags
- Abdomen
- Arms
- Knees
- Top of the back
- Flanks
- Lipomas
Deso works by destroying the walls of fat cells. The content is then flushed out of the body’s system naturally.
The destroyed cells can’t return. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Remaining fat cells can still store more fat so measures should be taken not to gain weight in future.
Any discomfort during treatment is minimised by the initial use of local anaesthetic. Deso also contains an anaesthetic which continues to work after the treatment.
Esther is a skilled and experienced and injector who is well known for her gentleness.
The solution requires time to take effect, gradually reducing the fat in the treated areas. Everyone’s constitution is different but normally, after four weeks, you’ll start to see the positive effects. The removal of fat can continue for up to six weeks.
While results can be seen from one treatment you may require three or four treatments to see the best results. These can be taken six weeks or longer apart. The length of time between treatments doesn’t affect the results.
This treatment is very safe when administered by a medical professional. Esther will discuss any possible side-effects with you during consultation.
Esther will discuss these at the consultation. Contraindications include:
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding
- Compromised immunity
- Acute illness or infection
- Allergy to the product
- Acute infections
- Liver disease
- Systemic disease
- Acute thyroiditis
- Anti-coagulation or clotting disorders
- Previous allergic reaction to
- Lidocaine or Sodium
- Deoxycholate
There may be some swelling and redness at the injection sites but these don’t normally last more than a few hours.
You may feel some tenderness in the treated area to begin with but this shouldn’t interfere with your day-to-day life.
Our Fat Dissolving Injections Sheffield Prices
Under chin | £250 |
Jowls | £250 |
Abdomen | £300-400 |
Patients from all
Over south yorkshire
Whilst most of the patients to our aesthetics clinic Sheffield, Elm Skin Clinics come from Barnsley, Penistone, Deepcar, Stocksbridge and Sheffield, it would seem like that some people want to keep their visits to a skin clinic secret, so she has patients too from Rotherham, Wakefield, Huddersfield, Doncaster, Pontefract, Mexborough and Worksop. As a result distance is no object when you are looking for a friendly welcoming and attentive service.

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